quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011


Hello, everyone!
It's the last week of this semester already and it's time we shared our impressions on our development, as a group, and individually as well, especially considering the project we carried out along all these months aiming at improving the writing skill in the English language. 
To do so, we did many activities in which we had to practice it, in class, at home, and online.
As a teacher I can tell you are more responsible, trying harder to meet the deadlines, and more concerned about finding strategies to improve your English. And you? Do you feel you have improved? How? What are you going to do, or keep doing, in order to reach this goal?
I hope you all will have a nice vacation and come to class next August willing to learn more and more!
See you!

7 comentários:

  1. I learned many things. The discussions became more interesting. I liked this semester =)

  2. This was a great opportunity to improve my writting! And I believe that this help me a lot! I'm thankful for this! And I suggest that this continue... This project will help a lot of students that pass many time in a computer!

  3. I haven`t been studying English for a long time. When I decided to start studying again I got very surprised when I attended the first class because it seemed like I arrived on a island so far where the native language was English and everybody was speaking or was trying to speak that language as well as possible. So, I had to do the same... I tried to do my best to speak English...
    But, I was not alone. I found help with my teacher, my classmates, browsing the House of English and doing the activities there, writing compositions as homework, answering the activities from the Resource Book, posting writings on the Blog... By the way, the Blog was a very good idea because we could practice our writing skill and having fun at the same time... there were some very funny videos and subject to leaded us to reflect and discuss about actual news...
    I myself consider I need to practice more and more writing and listening... These are my weakness in English skills... But I wil get it... I know... It depends only my self effort.

  4. so, the semester is ending, and it's time to make a reflection of what we've learned. I hope I have cooperated with the learning of all my classmates, and the teacher, thank you for patience and understanding. Nice Vacation and see you next semester, God willing.

  5. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  6. My biggest problem was learning to use this tool - how to use the blogg.

    Initially I had difficulty with the English classes, because for years I did not practice any in English.

  7. One factor that motivates me to continue participating in English classes is the good mood of my teacher
