segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

A battle against prejudice was won

            Yesterday, May, the 5th., I myself think Brazil won a battle prejudice that exist against homosexuals: Our Supreme Court of Justice, the “Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF”, has approved with the votes of all ministries the possibility of union between persons from same gender.

            Off course there will be a lot of opinions and manifestations to favor or against that decision. I don't argue if it is normal or against the Federal Constitution. What I will argue is toward to the life in society.

            Living in society people has rights and duties. About the duties, it doesn't matter if you are man or woman, child, teenager, young, mature or old, black, white or mixed-race, straights or gay. All who live in society must to fulfill their duties fixed by laws, regulations or prescribed norms. For example: Everybody must pay for taxes and fees, respect all laws, pay bills of public prices like electric energy, telephone and water bills. And what about the rights? Are they equal to everyone who fulfills their duties? I don't think so...

            In this case of union of homosexuals it was necessary the STF make a official decision saying that it was not against the principles of the Federal Constitution to give that right to persons who fulfill their duties like everybody and wants to live together in a closer relationship.

            For me it was so clear that two men or two women who live together and get goods together with their efforts should have the right to share that goods and if one of the couple dies the other one inherit that goods. If a man and a woman, a traditional couple, have those rights of heritage, why a non-traditional couple should not have it, if both, the traditional and the non-traditional couple fulfill their duties?

            I guess that STF had a right decision. And what was more incredible is the fact that all ministries voted favor to union homo-affective, in spite of religious claims and arguing of ultra-orthodox groups. Congratulations, STF, to contribute to reduce at least a kind of prejudice in Brazil.  

By Marcos Pereira da Silva Filho

5 comentários:

  1. I don't have opinions about this.
    We all are free to do what we want, aren't we?

  2. I think this is the right decision because if the couples want to have a formal union they have all the liberty to do this.But befores this decision they can't

  3. I think that Brasil has more important problems to worry about, but it's a interesting article.

  4. This acception helps many people now... It's fair!
