segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

An earthwake in Brazil... Is it possible?

Magnitude 6 earthquake registered in Atlantic between Cape Verde and Brazil 16 May 2011

The United States Geological Survey revealed Sunday afternoon that an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale took place between the Brazilian coast and the archipelago of Cape Verde.

The earthquake took place at approximately noon local time and had its epicenter in the mid-Atlantic ridge, 1,624 kilometers from Cape Verde and 1,277 kilometers from the city of Natal, on the northeastern Brazilian coast.
The American institute, headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, informed that the earthquake took place at a depth of 10 kilometers below the ocean floor.
According to Rio Grande do Norte Federal University in Brazil, the type of movement that occurred in the earthquake would not result in the formation of a tsunami. “In order to generate a tsunami, movement has to be vertical, and sea water is abruptly pushed upwards or pulled down, and this is not what happened,” according to the coordinator of the university’s seismological laboratory, Joaquim Mendes.

by Renato Oliveira

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

A battle against prejudice was won

            Yesterday, May, the 5th., I myself think Brazil won a battle prejudice that exist against homosexuals: Our Supreme Court of Justice, the “Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF”, has approved with the votes of all ministries the possibility of union between persons from same gender.

            Off course there will be a lot of opinions and manifestations to favor or against that decision. I don't argue if it is normal or against the Federal Constitution. What I will argue is toward to the life in society.

            Living in society people has rights and duties. About the duties, it doesn't matter if you are man or woman, child, teenager, young, mature or old, black, white or mixed-race, straights or gay. All who live in society must to fulfill their duties fixed by laws, regulations or prescribed norms. For example: Everybody must pay for taxes and fees, respect all laws, pay bills of public prices like electric energy, telephone and water bills. And what about the rights? Are they equal to everyone who fulfills their duties? I don't think so...

            In this case of union of homosexuals it was necessary the STF make a official decision saying that it was not against the principles of the Federal Constitution to give that right to persons who fulfill their duties like everybody and wants to live together in a closer relationship.

            For me it was so clear that two men or two women who live together and get goods together with their efforts should have the right to share that goods and if one of the couple dies the other one inherit that goods. If a man and a woman, a traditional couple, have those rights of heritage, why a non-traditional couple should not have it, if both, the traditional and the non-traditional couple fulfill their duties?

            I guess that STF had a right decision. And what was more incredible is the fact that all ministries voted favor to union homo-affective, in spite of religious claims and arguing of ultra-orthodox groups. Congratulations, STF, to contribute to reduce at least a kind of prejudice in Brazil.  

By Marcos Pereira da Silva Filho

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead... Is it real?

            We waked up this Monday with the news in mainstream media: Al Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, was dead by North American Marines. He was the man most hunted in world since 2001 September, the 11th, when it's attributed to him the command to destroy World Trade Center twins towers.

            He was called by terrorist and he was feared by all west world, mainly Europe and USA. Due to him, USA started a war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein that USA call “war against terror”.

            Now, with his death at the same time North Americans celebrate and are really afraid of retaliations from Al Qaeda and Taleban that according world press are saying they will revenge Bin Laden death.

            Many sites in internet show that the operation which ended with Bin Laden death was a movie scene like a Hollywood style. A recent news on internet affirm that American Intelligence was investigating and monitoring Bin Laden daily life for a year by now.

            What the world wants now is real proofs that Bin Laden is really dead because USA said he was buried in sea and it sounded strange to every world. Some news affirmed that a DNA exam confirmed the dead in fact was Bin Laden but the hole world claims for photos of Bin Laden dead. USA promises to show photos of him soon.

            I ask: What about now? How the war against terrorism in world will figure it out? It will continue West Christians against East Islams? Or better: USA and Europe against Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Turkey and another majority Islam countries.

By Marcos Pereira da Silva Filho